Natal Alves-Peaberry Ground Coffee


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Aroma: Toffee and Hazelnut
Flavor: Raspberry tart-acidity
Body: Full body
Aftertaste: Persistent and prolongated
Roasted: Medium
Origin: Sitio Porta do Ceu
Altitude: 1350 meters
Variety: New Word


The Mantiqueira Mountains are a mountain range in Southeastern Brazil, with parts in the states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro. The name Mantiqueira derives from a Tupi word means mountains that cry”, denoting the large number of springs and streams found there. The Serra da Mantiqueira is a part of the Mata Atlântica ecosystem. Despite the clearing of the land for livestock raising, the difficult access to many areas has made possible for sanctuaries of well-preserved forest to still exist, that’s where our friend from Sitio Porta do Ceu produces this beautiful and delicious coffee.

Natal Alves is a Peaberry coffee bean. Normally the fruit (“cherry”) of the coffee plant contains two seeds (“beans”) that develop with flattened facing sides, but sometimes only one of the two seeds is fertilized, and the single seed develops with nothing to flatten it. This oval (or pea-shaped) bean is known as peaberry.They tend to be smaller, denser, and just a little bit cuter than their flat cousins. They taste noticeably sweeter and more flavorful than standard-issue beans.


Coffee with notes of hazelnut, high tart-acidity of raspberry and toffee sweetness with a full body and prolongated and delicious after tasting.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Pack Size

250g, 500g, 1kg